Getting your products into the right hands.
As a manufacturer, you rely on pharmaceutical wholesalers to move your products through the supply chain in a safe, reliable and efficient manner. This allows you to focus your resources where they’re needed most— research and development and product manufacturing.
Distributors add significant value to the healthcare supply chain, saving the industry millions of dollars annually and ensuring that your products reach their markets. DMS Pharmaceutical understands your needs and has been providing these services to an ever increasing number of manufacturers over the years.
We can help you increase sales by offering:

• Logistical support to move your products in a cost-efficient manner
• Proactive customer support to minimize out-of-stocks
• Controlled substance monitoring
• Cold chain capabilities
• Direct shipments to end user
• Specialty product distribution
• Customer contract management
• A philosophy that all manufacturers are important
• Ability to leverage our customer base
• GPO affiliations
• Knowledgeable customer service representatives
• Personal service
• CSOS electronic controlled drug ordering
• Full EDI reporting capabilities
Are you looking for a hassle free relationship with a full-line wholesaler, who can offer you economies of scale, but won’t nickel and dime you? Then look to DMS Pharmaceutical as an efficient, value-added part of your healthcare supply chain.